Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Here it goes....

This is the beginning of a "journal"of sorts.
I went to catholic Heart and as always gained weight.
Now, Iknow that that's normal, but Ihave not been ableto get it to startto go away...

It has turned into amajor issue. I now weigh more than I ever have in my life AND...Ifeel awful.
I cry everytime I get dressed, I stare in window reflections atall times, im frustrated, stressed andsacrificing good food for nothing.

This is not only an attempt to lose the weight but an attempt to gain back a belief that I have beautiful qualities beyond a physical appearance.
I just want to want to snuggle again.

Don't tell me I dont need to lose weight. I do.Iam legitimatly "overweight" I am unhealthy.

Nothing Gimmiky,just weight watchers and excercise.

and youseeing me in a sports bra. WOOOOO:)

Here we go.
I will update once a week.

Start weight: 149.8
Goal- 130