Thursday, October 4, 2007

ABOUT ME......This is a waste of valuable time...

1) Starting time: 11:31 a.m.
2) Your Name: Ashleigh Lynne Lucy Douglas
3) Nicknames:Depends on who you talk to....Ash to most, Baby Lu, A*bear (that ones a new favorite) Smash, Potato...A*Doug
4) School: I am officially a college graduate...Yikes.
5) E-mail:
7) Sign: Cancer
8) Pets: None.
9)Siblings:Cassidy, 19 Gabrielle, 16 Sam, 12 and Toni, 9 , Zane, 2
10 )Been so drunk you blacked out: Nada.
11)Taken any illegal substances: No.
12)Gone out in public in your pajamas: I love Pajamas, everything about them, and public is a great place to wear them.
13)Missed school b/c it was raining: I skipped college classes for every reason in the book.
14)Set any body part on fire for amusement: Seriously? Cmon, what is fun about that?
15)Kept a secret from everyone: actually, im a loud mouth....Secrets however are my specialty.
16) who knows your deepest ones: Probably Katie....Mostly God.
17)Wanted to hook up with a friend: Depends on how you define "Hook up" Date, yes.
18)Cried during a Flick: I cry during 7th Heaven commercials. Then I think " Why are you crying baby?"
19)Had a crush on a teacher: I had a HUGE crush on My volleyball teacher in College....ahhhh....
20)Ever thought an animated character was hot?: I can't say I have...Johnny Bravo was pretty nice.
21)Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff: Honestly, No.
22)Planned your week based on the TV Guide:I never watch anything religiously, life's to short for that.
23)Prank called someone: When i was younger i thought it was cool. We called Jessie Thomas from Katie Awerkamps house and crumbled paper in the phone yelling Jessie, I can't get through to you. Then we hung up...we were cool.
24)Been on stage: Yes, many a time. Dancing mostly, but now moreso for the music....or doing CHWC skits. hahaha...

Shampoo: The kind they use at the place I get my hair done...
26)Soap: Sweet Pea :)
27)Color: I love GREEN
28)Day/Night: Definitely evening
29)Summer/Winter: Fall...I like summer better that winter though.
30)Online?usually during the day, yes.
31)Lace or satin: Satin, silky smooth is how i wish my legs felt on occasion. I hate shaving.
32)Cartoons: I love Backyardigans and Wonderpets on Nick Jr.
33)Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: Not at the moment, no. But I am content.
34)Like anyone: I am always "interested" in someone....every girl is.
35)Who have you known the longest of your Friends: Hmm....that i still talk to every now and again? Robin Powers
37)Who's the shyest:I very seldomly have shy fact right now I can't think of any....
38)Who do you go to for Advice:My daddy. God pretty much the most, I can rely on him...other people can let me down. My grandma the most.
39)Who do you get the most surveys from: Im the only weird person who still does these..
40)Who do you cry with: I like to cry by myself. Its the one time i hate too much attention.

>~~**IN THE LAST 2 Weeks**~~
41)Cried: I teared up on the ride home from Boston at the thought of wanting something bigger for my life.
42)Cut your hair: about 2 months ago...Just a trim.
43)Worn a skirt: TODAY!!!!!!
44)Been mean:I consider my judgemental attitude a little mean. I do that far too often.
45)Been sarcastic: i'm sure i was in the last 30 seconds.
46)Met someone new: I met a lot of new people in Boston.
47)Talked to someone you have a crush on: Yes, yes yes....
48)Missed someone: I really missed Bobby yesterday...So i called him and fixed it. i miss my CHWC team every day.
49)Hugged someone: I hugged my baby brother yesterday.
50)Fought with your parents:No, we don't fight really....
51)Wished upon a star: can't say I have.
52)Laughed until you cried: Oh Dan and Kyle, how you rock my laughter.
53)Played Truth or Dare: Haven't played that for awhile.
54)Watched a sunrise/sunset:As I drove to pom this morning...
55)Went to the beach at night: I WENT IN BOSTON AT NIGHT>.......UGH.........I LOVE the ocean.
56)Spent quality time alone: Yeah when i go to bed i just lay and think. Then i write a song and i'm up all night again.
57)Read a book for fun: I am reading the Bible for fun....
58)Ate a meal:I had a fruit smoothie and a rice cake for breakfast
59)Are you lonely: Actually , no. I mean I am but like I said before...I am content.
60)Are you happy: I truly am.
61)Are you talking to someone online:Yeah, Margo
62)God/Devil: absolutely
63)Love:So many different kinds....But yes.
64)The Closet Monster: Actually no i dont believe in that. However I do always feel like someone is chasing me when i run up the stairs.
65)The Big Bang Theory: Not so much...
66)Heaven/Hell: yes....I admit though...i'm scared.
67)Superstitions:I jump over the cracks...i like my mom.
68)What is your full name? Ashleigh Lynne Lucy Douglas
69)Who named you?My mom liked Ashleigh Lynne is her middle name and my dads last name was douglas before my moms was. :) I liked lucy cause it was a Hanson song. Horrible reason to choose that as a confirmation name.
70)Backstreet Boys or N Sync? NSYNC
71) When was the last time you showered? this morning
72)What color pants do you have on right now? Jean skirt,
73)What song are u listening to right now?: Resuce by the Desperation Band
74)What was the last thing that you said: "Yeah, wake him up'
75)What is right next to you? a messy desk. my cell phone.
76)What is your computer desk made of? a lot of papers
77)What is your phone number? 217-430-9497
78)What was the last thing you ate? rice cake
79)Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?: Greece or Australia.
80)Who do you want to spend the rest of your life
with?: Someone who loves God first....and then fits me in there gracefully :)
81)How many buddies do you have on your list?I dont know. Im not counting.
82) what is the weather like? UMMM BEAUTIFUL! Breezy sunshiny day.
83)Have you ever smoked pot? No, it is the one thing that makes be very irritated.
84)What did you do last night?Coached pom at the QND/QHS soccer game and then went to H.A.F.O.C and then to Waffle cone wednesday at TCBY.
85)What's the best thing that you find about the
opposite sex? Their Eyes. I love random comfort when you lay down and your head falls right into the crevice on their shoulder.
86) How are you today? Great. Feeling good and shaved my legs so i feel clean :)
88)Who makes you happy? Funny people...
89)Fave CD? Damien Rice "O"
90)Dream car? I love my Mazda
91)Have you ever won any special awards? yeah a few.
92)What do you want to be when you grow up? That's a fantastic question. A cute wife and mom.
93) What are your future goals?: I want to impact youth. That's all I really care about. I would like to write another album and learn to play violin and piano
94)Fave music? How can I have a favorite? That limits me. I just like music that is catchy and AWESOME.
95)Favorite Food? Fruit smoothies. I love Ice cream too.
96)Favorite movies? Save the last Dance
97)Fave day of this year?hmmm....I dont know. I loved a lot of days.
98)Fave guys cologne? Polo. WOah! It smells so good!
99)Do you like to dance? I love to dance!
100)Fast or slow? both. So much happiness in either one.
101)Are you too shy to ask someone out? I've never asked anyone out. I'm shy when it comes to relationships.
102)Fave name brand? eh, i dont really care. As long as I think its cute.
103)If you could change your name, what would it be? I love my name. I wouldnt change it.
104)Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Yes, my bear, "Soony Nough"
105)Have you ever been in love? Yeah....I think i've truly been in love once.
106)What is the stupidest thing you have ever done? AH, there's so many. I dont know.
107)What will your first son's name be? Jack.
108)What will your first daughters name be? Ayva or Jocelynne
109)Favorite drink? eh, whatever Im in the mood for. I love smoothies.
110)Do you like scary or happy movies better? I love to laugh. I love to laugh. Do you know how fast you were going MEOW?
111)On the phone or in person? in Person fo shizzle
112)Lust or Love? Love... what is better than love?
113)If you could change something about yourself, what
would it be? I wish i didnt wish to be other people.
114)Do you consider cheerleading a sport?Yeah dude. Its cool to cheer.
115: Do you want your friends to answer this back? They can't
116)Who are your crushes? Josh Turner (Country music singer...check him out WOOOO)
117.)Favorite concert? Gavin DeGraw...or Dave was pretty Sweet too.
118.)Finish Time:12:01 p.m.

Thanks for wasting your time! :)

1 comment:

margmor said...

I am so excited that you mentioned me in your blog! Also, I learned a lot about you... but most importantly, you mentioned ME!